Our Products!

From diameter 58mm to 550mm

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Semifinished plastic products and machining operations

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We supply heavy-duty and extra-heavy-duty driveshafts and universal joints for major Italian and foreign companies in the steel, paper, cardboard and plastics industries.

Customised plastic processing

Our cardan shafts and universal joints with split hubs are designed for applications where normal flange and counter-flange transmissions cannot be used. counter flange, for example due to space constraints. They have the same characteristics and performance as normal flange shaft drives and universal joints. with flange

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COUNTERFLANGES made to customer design, the catalogue represents indicative standards

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These universal joints and cardan transmissions have a wide range of uses from the food industry, from lamination to wood and plastics processing. and plastics processing.

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They are made of stainless steel or high-strength steels on request. This type of transmission is useful for its ability to transmit high torque while taking up little space. reduced overall dimensions. This capacity is due to the fact that motion is transmitted not only by the contact of the spreader pins but also by the central core (ball at the centre of the joint), also by the central hub (ball at the centre of the joint) which rests directly on the forks of the joint itself. cardan joint itself significantly increasing the surfaces involved in the transmission of motion. It should be borne in mind that, although the contact surfaces are made of high-strength, heat-treated steel heat-treated steel (pins and ball) and heat-treated (forks). with use, considerable friction is created in proportion to the load, speed and angle, it is essential in these cases to provide an adequate cooling/lubrication system. the joints are in any case equipped (except for stainless steel execution) with a grease nipple which, with periodical maintenance to cope with most applications. Cardan joints and cylindrical cardan transmissions with lubricated needle roller bearings are produced. lubricated lubricated at the factory and then exempt from lubrication This considerably increases the service life for the same application.

A complete range of cardan transmissions with flanges from diameter 58 made from the best components in the world, so that you can have a product of a product targeted to individual application needs, effectively meeting the theoretical duration the theoretical duration required while carefully considering the final cost of the product.

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We have been manufacturing centre-slide constant velocity transmissions with customer-specific lengths for over 30 years, complete with DIN and SAE flange adapters.

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We manufacture cardan joints with wing mechanics splines complete with counterflanges

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